Metoda Kozak
Reprezinta rezultatul a 50 de ani de experienta si practica ce a adus lumina si speranta pentru multe categorii de bolnavi.
Metoda Kozak
Metoda Kozak trateaza de peste 50 ani bolile de piele considerate incurabile. In acest timp si-a dovedit eficienta precum si siguranta in rezolvarea bolilor dermatologice.
Pacientii pe care odinioara i-a tratat tatal meu au raspandit vestea si speranta de vindecare incepand cu anii 60′, ca exista o cale sanatoasa si noua pt rezolvarea problemelor lor de piele.
Pentru a face o programare Astazi:
- (+4) 021 320 3002
Medical Associations Jurnals, Medical Reports, Remarks, Notes
“…Pavel Kozak a lay person, in West Germanu. A number of pacients from Canada were trated by Kozak and some were judged by Canadian dermatologists to have improved…” – Canadian Medical Association Journal
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, one must take cognizance of the value of empirical treatment
Ladies and gentlemen: I am certain you are familiar with the work of Pavel Kozak, the biologist who has become the focus of some public attention because of his pioneering work in the treatment of the chronic skin disease
(Nu împărtășim datele dvs. cu nimeni și le folosim doar în scopul prevăzut)